Photo by Francesca Rizzo
Little Red Riding Hood
...and you-know-who...
In a snow-blasted Viking village, all is not well. As the day of the sacred feast of the Winter Solstice approaches, Chief Big Red learns that the Sorceress who keeps the wild magic of the Snowy Woods under control is in trouble. it's up to the Sorceress's granddaughter, Little Red Riding Hood, to undertake a hazardous journey in order to check up on her grandmother.
Along the way, she's helped by the enigmatic Little Boy Blue, whose magic horn has a commanding effect on the were-creatures that stalk the icy forest, and somewhat hindered by her well-meaning yet woefully misguided Auntie the Dame. However she will need all the help, luck and courage she can get if she is to prevail over the dastardly Jerry Höfen, his captive fairy Stinkerbell, and their fearsome creation whose eternal hunger ensures that it will never stop hunting poor Little Red.
The script may be adapted for other productions. For more information, send an email.
Photos by Francesca Rizzo
Little Red Riding Hood was first produced by Masquerade Theatre Company from the 21st December 2013 - 5th January 2014 at Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
2013 Production
Director - anthony bezzina
Musical Director - Kevin Abela
Choreographer - Lee McCallion
Original Cast
Little Red Riding Hood - Lisa Mifsud
Auntie Patka (Dame) - Malcolm Galea
Jerry Höfen (Baddie) - Joseph Zammit
Little Boy Blue - Kristina Frendo
Chief Big Red - Marta Vella
Sorceress - Katherine Brown
Big Bad Wolf - Luke Dalli
Stinkerbell - Steffi Thake
Pinky (Little Pig 1) - Rebecca Brincat
Perky (Little Pig 2) - Sean Borg
Pokey (Little Pig 3) - Ema Marie Attard
Head Tailor - Ryan Cutajar
Were-Fox - Vikesh Godhwani
Fairy Queen - Rebecca Galea
Fairy King - Gianni Selvaggi
Zeppi Linn - Vikesh Godhwani
Anton Saliba, Claire Mifsud, Emma Micallef, Gabrielle Sargent, Gianni Selvaggi, Julienne Liberto, Lisa Magri Overend, Martina Cutajar, Rambert Attard, Rebecca Galea, Ryan Cutajar, Tina Rizzo, Vanessa Vella, Victoria Caruana, Vikesh Godhwani