In Old Peking young Aladdin lives a simple life working away at Widow Twankey's laundry along with his brother Wishee Washee. One day he dares to break the law and catch a glimpse of the breathtakingly beautiful Princess and must now avoid the Chinese Policemen who have been tasked with bringing him to justice. To make things worse, Aladdin is also besotted with the Princess.
The Emperor will never allow his daughter to marry a penniless laundry boy and it seems that Aladdin will be unhappy forever. Suddenly, a solution presents itself in the form of a dodgy old wizard who tells Aladdin about a powerful genie who can grant him three wishes. All he has to do is find the magic lamp and bring it to him. However the wizard is not to be trusted and Aladdin's quest to win the heart of the Princess becomes a breath-taking adventure to save the entire kingdom.
The script may be adapted for other productions. For more information, send an email.
"The script's strength lies in the ease with which wisecrack follows witticism"
Times of Malta
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Aladdin was first produced by Masquerade Theatre Company from the 18th December 2009 - 6th January 2010 at Teatru Manoel, Valletta.
2009 Production
Director - anthony bezzina
Musical Director - Kevin Abela
Choreographer - Jes Sciberras
Original Cast
Aladdin - Francis Ghersci
Widow Twankey (Dame) - Malcolm Galea
Evil Wizard - Louis Andrew Cassar
Princess - Dorothy Bezzina
Wishee Washee - Philip Stilon
Emperor - Joseph Zammit
Genie - Luke Dalli
Slave of the Ring - Olga Grixti
Baba Su Lee (Sidekick 1) - Daniel Mangion
Boo Su Lee (Sidekick 2) - James Ryder Muscat
Bobbit - Daniel Galea
Castratum - David Debono
Prisoner - Thomas Galea
Terracotta General - Paul Cuschieri
Keeper of the Lamp - Rebecca Galea
Santa Claus - Paul Cuschieri
Alexander Gatesy Lewis, André Mercieca, Ariane Micallef Borg, Claire Mifsud, Colette Caruana, Daniel Galea, David Debono, Elena Zammit, Harley Mallia, Kristina Frendo, Lindsay Buttigieg, Maria Caruana, Paul Cuschieri, Rambert Attard, Rebecca Galea, Thomas Galea